Friday, October 24, 2008

Hey everyone

Hello my name is Amanda and gosh I have not written on a blog in a long time, so I guess I have to get use to this.
Well what should I exactly write on my first blog, hmm well I am a student in high school and I love sailing that is most definitly my passion.
I am a junior and I wish I lived in New York City which was where I was born when I was 6 I moved to some dumb cow hick town in the middle of nowhere.
So that is pretty much my life, I am a ski instructor, and sometimes when I get lucky I can teach snowboarding too. My school SUCKS, it has probably the worst education in the country, but whateva.
Man seriously it really has been a long time since I wrote on a blog and I completely forgot what I'm supposed to write about.
I do have about all the programs in the world, like myspace, facebook, flickr, photobucket, picnik...I could really go on...and on... but then you probably would not want to read my blog.
I actually just recently found of about this site because I was reading an article in WIRED about this women Jullian something and she became famous cause she has a those sites and this one and people just fell in love with her I guess. Well I didn't get all those sites because of that article.
ACTUally to tell you the truth I had all those sites before I read that article.
OMG I am totally boreing you right now arent I. Yikes sorry
OK so what do you blog readers what to read about.?? Tell me tell me

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