Friday, October 24, 2008


I love taking pictures and I think I can say that I am good at it. I am in a photography class in my school, but thats not that big of a deal cause we don't do much in the class and plus there is only me and another girl in the class. I have a Canon PowerShot. I got the camera last year for my 15th birthday right before we took a family sailing trip to the carribean. ( which was a blast talk about that later) I LOVE the camera and pretty much take it everywhere I go. I am the historean for our class and I will probably be the best one they will ever have, I always have my camera with me at every class event, but hey thats my job right. I really didn't get into photography until last year. Though this photography class really helps because I can use the official Adobe Photoshop. Which is amazing you can do so many outstanding things with photoshop. You can create a boreing picture into a piece of artwork. This was not exactly a boreing picture when I took it, but then I touched it up and I LOVE it. This is a picture of my best friend Colby. She is like my model.This is another picture of Colby, this is during our homecoming parade and we all dressed up as the 101 Dalmations, I love this picture a lot. And actually I never did anything to this picture I took it that way, you see my camera can make certain things not black and white. Like those flowers.
I really like taking pictures of flowers for some reason and for this picture I just improved the brightness and contrast which you can pretty much do on any picture program.
This is just a normal photo of flowers in our school graden and I once again improved the contrast and brightness and then I put that sparkle of lit in the background and I did that on Photoshop.
This is a picture of Colby once again and her boyfriend Alex who is also one of my good friends They are sooo cute together and I love taking pictures of both of them because they are so photogenic.
This is another of Colby and Alex, I know this one is kind of random but I love it and of course I did this one on Photoshop.
This is a picture of Colby at one of her soccer games doing an illegal soccer move, and there was nothing besides improving contrast on this picture.
This yet another picture of Colby and Alex and this one I messed around with it on this picture program called Picnik.
This picture I took when I was in the city. At MOMA, which is the museum of modern art. Great place.
This is once again at MOMA in some crazy lighting room and I had so much fun in that room.
Ok and this is little old me and actually I just took this picture today.
This is the last picture I will show you TODAY, and this is me of course once again.

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